


我已經和寫作者及亞洲國家來的 ESL (英語作為第二語言) 學生工作了十多年。從1988 年到 1989 年,我在中國大陸所師範大學任教。隨後五年在台彎教學,寫作,編輯。在台北居住期間,我曾在中央研究院,國立台彎大學,國立政治大學,東吳大學,國立清華大學等協助研究人員出版他們的各種論著。



English language have been socially, politically, and culturally symbolized as Americanization. Historically, immigrants in the United States have lost their native language and culture for displacement of American ideology (Hakuta, 1986). Therefore, there has been a strong relationship between language and values and social and cultural identity in the United States. More importantly, adult immigrants have a tendency to be isolated from the host society due to racial and linguistic discrimination (Fishman, 1989; Wong, 1987) even many are highly motivated to acquire a second language and integrated into the new society (Schumann, 1986; Peirce, 1993).


Historically, all US immigrants have had to give up their native languages and cultures in return for accepting American ideology (Hakuta, 1986). Learning English stands as a social, political, and cultural symbol of Americanization, the result of influential relationships between language, values, and social and cultural identity. There is a tendency for adult immigrants to become isolated from the host society because of racial and linguistic discrimination (Fishman, 1989; Wong, 1987), which often deters even the most highly motivated individuals from acquiring English and becoming integrated into their new host society (Schumann, 1986; Pierce, 1993).

我主要從事寫作教學。我在台北國立政治大學的夜校裡教了三年寫作課。在華盛頓大學(西雅圖)的 MATESL (文學碩士,英語作為第二語言教學)專業學習期間也是教寫作課。寫作教學是非常花時間的,因為我需要花好幾小時的時間去修改學生的作業。但是,這些經歷使我可以駕輕就熟地修改中國人或日本人寫的研究論文,這一點是非常重要的,因為在亞洲,非英語系國家的作者所犯的寫作錯誤是獨特的,這跟他們的文化背景密切相關。這些寫作錯誤跟世界上其它非英語系國家的人所犯的寫作錯誤大不相同。


